ARRL DX contest

This weekend saw the ARRL DX phone contest, and with 28 MHz in good shape this provided lots of USA stations. I did hear quite a few M3 and M6 stations (10w) making contact with the USA, so even low power provided results. With many of the big contest stations out this weekend, signals ranged from strong to very strong.

I found the conditions on 14 and 21 MHz to be poor, although I managed a few. 7 MHz provided a few more contacts after dark, and provided an opportunity to test out split working. Many of the USA stations TX above 7200, and listen below 7100.

Using 200w and a ground mounted 5/8 vertical on 28 MHz I managed to work 92 stations, with the remaining 35 being on a mix of 7, 14 and 21 MHz. A map showing the stations work is enclosed.ARRL DX Phone

73 Dave M0TAZ


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