National Hamfest 2017

The National Hamfest 2017 (29th and 30th September) was once again held at Newark Showground. The site provides a large area for both camping and caravanning, with the show opening on Friday and continuing on Saturday.

The location provides the ideal opportunity to meet up with friends from around the country, and browse the stalls both inside and outside.

All of the major dealers had a presence, although the Waters and Stanton had downsized to little more than a boot sale table.

Icom had the new IC7610 at the show, and you could twiddle the knobs but no clue on the RRP right now. Most of the dealers have a suggested price, but Icom says this hasn’t been confirmed.

Food was available from both inside and outside vendors, and the weather was good enough to sit outside once again this year.

Attendance seemed a little down from previous years, but this often happens with this type of rally. I spotted the crews from ICQ podcast and TX Factor both making content and you can watch/listen to this on their websites.

The CambHams team and Flossie operated on HF and VHF from the event.

Dave G7UVW reviewing one of his previously owned (junk) surplus equipment purchase.


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  1. I had such a good time at Newark.
    Can’t wait for next years event.


    1. Glad you enjoyed it Mike, it’s a nice event to catch up with people and hunt out the odd bargain.

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