This was our first opportunity to go portable VHF this year, making the most of a very warm February afternoon.
The RSGB run a series of contests thought the year, and this was the ideal opportunity to put on the club call M0SNB. We operated from the Secret Nuclear Bunker near Kelvedon Hatch, using the Icom 7300 and 160w from the expert 1.3KFA solid state amplifier.
The antenna was my hombrew 6e for 70 MHz, this is built onto a 4m boom, that breaks down into 2x2m for easy transport to site. I have detailed the antenna build project in this article.

The weather was so good we decided to operate alfresco at the bottom of the 10m pump up mast.
Here is George M1GEO operating with the Icom 7300 and Expert setup on the operating table.

Dave M0TAZ operating the station.

The contest lasted for 2 Hrs, and we managed to work 48 stations all over the UK.

All together an enjoyable contest, thanks to everyone we worked.