MF and HF RX Antenna Splitter

I was looking for a simple project to split a RX antenna into two receivers, my Wellbrook loop feeds my Kiwi SDR and also my HF radio.

The Wellbrook loop is very capable at LF and MF frequencies, and so makes a great alternative for RX on 472 KHz and even NBD reception should my local noise allow.

The RX slitter was originally found as a PDF credited to Todd VE7BPO, but had later been refined by Dave G4AON. The project uses 2x FT50-43 ferrite torroid and 100 Ohm resistor to match the output to 50 Ohms.

The addition of 3 x SO239 sockets (or sockets of your choice) and a suitable box will see the project come in around £5. Unlike some of the cheap CB style splitters, this will be 50 Ohm matched.

Thanks to George M1GEO for helping with the construction.

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