Talk at Thurrock Acorns Radio Club

I was invited to speak at the Thurrock Acorns club night on using online SDR radios in SWL and Amateur Radio. The idea was to introduce members to the world of online SDR radios to people who may not be aware of their usage in the hobby.

Most people have seen the great work done by the Hack Green team, but may not be aware other SDR are available that offer 0 to 30 MHz and a host of other benefits.

Over the course of the evening I described how you can view WEFAX, CW, GMDSS, FSK, NAVTEX and the new TDoA function.

The TDoA function gives amateur users of HF the ability to locate HF stations for the first time.

I put together this quick start guide to help you get the most from the online Kiwi SDR receivers.

So what have you received recently?

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