If you are a licensed amateur radio operator then the small meshtastic boards can be used for APRS as a fun project. 433 MHz mesh never took off unfortunately, so if you have these boards around then they can make a great APRS tracker or igate!
The good news is you don’t need a NOV from OFCOM, these low power gateways are covered under the new rules in the UK, and you can read these on the OFCOM website. Please check your equipment/station/location/call meets the requirements under the terms outlined by OFOCM, the igates have a output power of +20 dBm or 100 mW
You need to use this one for your iGate (i.e. MYCALL-10)
and this one for your tracker example would be (MYCALL-7):
The igate is very easy to complete, and you dont need a LoRa board with GPS, as the GPS location is fixed in the software. You simply need to use the web flasher, and once complete connect to the unit via WiFi. Once you have update the frequency to 4399125 and added your call the unit is good to go.
The Lilygo could be programmed as a tracker or igate, in the end I decided on a different board for the tracker as the T-Beam did not have the best GPS antenna.

The igate should be connected to your internet via WiFi and listening for any trackers (mobile units) to upload their location onto the internet.
You can view these on www.aprs.fi
For the tracker I selected the Heltec tracker, as it has a good GPS antenna well located on the board. The boards are very capable, but you need to make sure you order the 433 MHz version. Here are some images so you can identify the Heltec Tracker. One may be available on this link.

The Heltec support a small Lipo battery, so you can power if from USB or battery when off grid.
Here is my unit boxed and undergoing testing

Again this is another interesting project with low cost, low power LoRa Wan units, so hopefully you will have a go and add further igates to the network. These units are particularly well suited for SOTA activators, as they are so light and portable.
If you are interested in checking out some of the equipment mentioned in this article then these links may assist.
Heltec LoRa Wan tracker with built in GPS module and WiFi/BT
High capacity external battery for off grid usage
Lilygo LoRa 32 mesh / APRS radio for igate or tracker usage
Better quality 433 MHz antenna for tracker / SOTA
433 MHz power amplifier for portable/mobile use
Thanks for posting the above Dave. Very useful info and I used it to put a 439MHz LoRa APRS iGate on air (G8DZH-10). Also a Tracker (G8DZH-7).
LEFARS members are adding iGates in the area to improve the coverage. More are needed 🙂
Thanks John
Quiet a handy little guide as managed to buy the bits needed and now need to just wait for the preamp to arrive to make the Igate less deaf.
Good luck, it’s an interesting project and you get instant results
This is awesome.. I will be looking to add a LORA iGate to my existing VHF digipeater action here in N Yorks, great post de M0RWV