The 50 MHz trophy cup is a regular SNBCG event, thanks to a 6e beam originally acquired by the late Bill G0BOF for the club.
Icom 7300 and 400w from a solid state amplifier.

50 MHz is somewhat unpredictable, and can range from very quiet to pile up mode. This year the SPe did make an appearance, but the activity levels seemed a little low.

It was possible to work South and East of the UK to around 2000 KM, but most of the propagation fell in the 1,200 to 1,500 KM range. Over the course of the next 12 hrs we managed to work 139 QSO in 23 DXCC
The QSO map can be seen here.

The claimed score and further details of the context are located on the RSGB VHF contest pages.