The Birth of a New Digital Mode SIM31

Read the article on how the mode invented by Nizar Ben Rejeb was developed, and the advantages it has over traditional PSK31.

The article is available to read online.

You can download a free copy of the program, and read more online at ON4NB website.

A handy guide to installation can be read here.

Ive been using it for a few days now, but its too early to test its robustness. Many digital modes come and go over the years, but its always interested to test and understand the advantages and disadvantages.  It certainly looks very much like PSK31, but the program helps identify that by a CW ident SIM and in PSK31 you will decode NEW SIM31 on your screen.

It also has an interesting “beacon mode” that can fully automate QSO. Imagine the joy of leaving that on overnight, and in the morning finding out you have worked 10 new DXCC while you have been tucked up in tog heaven dreaming of that 30 meter tower and 5E stepper IR …

Dave M0TAZ


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