High Altitude Balloon (HAB) tracking

Amateurs often launch HAB containing telemetry and sometimes SSTV of the ability to take and store pictures. The launch schedule is usually published online, its worth starting with this online resource. Tracking is based on an adapted version of FLdigi, this program once configured with your callsign and location will manage the upload to a […]

EME and MS weekend.

Members of the Secret Nuclear Bunker Contest Group (SNBCG) assembled at Kelvendon Hatch to try 144 MHz (Earth Moon Earth) EME and MS (Meteor Scatter) over the weekend of the ARRL EME event As a group we have tried with some success MS QSO and this helped lay the foundation for this weekend’s EME event. […]

Electronic log books

In the days when computers filled the size of your front room most people used paper to log their QSO, but today electronic QSO logging has a number of advantages. I was first licensed in 2003, and I took the decision to electronically log from the start. I mainly operated digital modes, so electronic logging […]