The RSGB run a number of top band contests through the year. The first is the February 1.8 MHz covering both SSB and CW. John M0UKD and myself have taken part in these for a few years now, most notably 3 years ago in 6″ of snow, and last year getting the car bogged in […]
The Birth of a New Digital Mode SIM31
Read the article on how the mode invented by Nizar Ben Rejeb was developed, and the advantages it has over traditional PSK31. The article is available to read online. You can download a free copy of the program, and read more online at ON4NB website. A handy guide to installation can be read here. Ive been […]
Affiliated Society Team Contests 2015
The RSGB run a series of contest aimed at getting clubs active as a team. This year Havering ARC had 2 active stations, one operated by Fred G3SVK and the other by Dave M0TAZ. The contest encourages teamwork, and members can operate from home. The combined score from the team contributes to the club score […]
144 MHz Christmas Cumulative Contest.
Location portable in JO01CM, ASL 20m, Operating time 2 Hrs, Temp +1C Operating alfresco in the UK Christmas Cumulative Contest with John M0UKD from Hornchurch country park. Located in JO01 at a height of just 20m ASL. Using a Icom 7100 battery powered, with a push up mast at 6m. The antenna was a UKD […]
160m Club Calls
Last night with the able assistance of John M0UKD we attempted an entry in the 160m club calls contest. As the name suggests this is a 160m contest, designed for clubs to have teams of members on air. The exchange is a little strange, RST, Serial, (member, Club HQ or non club) and then 4 […]
Portable with the roach pole on 1.9 and 24 MHz
Today the weather was ideal for some /p over Hornchurch Country Park. Equipment 85Ah Battery, Icom 7200, 18m Roach Pole, Inductor 340µH. The roach pole provided 18m (60ft) of antenna, and when coupled with the inductor at 15m provided a match at 1830 kHz. The ATU was used to provide a match at 1910 kHz, […]