Tracking High Altitude Ballons

The solar eclipse provided the perfect reason for a number of amateurs to launch high altitude balloons.   AMSAT-UK is the place to go and read more about amateur radio space exploration and amateur radio satellites.

Southampton space flight launched MAJORA and OLAF (pictures on their website)

Further launches are detailed on the UK High Altitudes website and these included MARVIN, KRYTEN, EAGLE and an APRS beacon GEMINI 1 (Callsign LZ2WIN-11 on 434.5 MHz).

I tracked Buzz, with its altitude peaking at 30 KM above the earth. Using a special version of FLdigi detailed here I was able to track, decode and upload the position of Buzz every few seconds. Buzz at 30 KM

This position data is uploaded to a central server, and can be viewed on-line.

From JO01CN I was able to track Buzz up to 30 KM, its maximum altitude and then as it retuned to earth back down to 900 meters before its signal disappeared under the horizon.

Fascinating, as the transmitters are usually 10 mw.

What did you track ?


Dave M0TAZ


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