SNBCG Christmas Dinner

Members of the newly formed Secret Nuclear Bunker Contest Group met for its inaugural Christmas dinner this weekend. The event was well attended by 10 members, enjoying a traditional Christmas dinner, crackers and unavoidable cracker jokes.

Pre meal drinks, from left to right Chris G8OCV, Dave G7UVW, Bill G0BOF and George M1GEO.

Left Kevin M0TBX and Dave M0YOW enjoying a beer.









Thanks to Peter G0IAP for organising the event and to everyone that attended. The SNBCG is now affiliated to the RSGB and holds the club call M0SNB and permanent special event call GB0SNB so look out for us in contests in 2016.


Left (front to back) Bill G0BOF, Chris G8OCV, Dave M0TAZ, Fred G3SVK, Diane

Right (front to back) Dave M0YOL, George M1GEO, Dave G7UVW, Kevin M0TBX, Peter G0IPA
















From left to right Dave G7UVW, Chris G8OCV, Fred G3SVK and Diane

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