National Hamfest 2016

Once again the National Hamfest was located at Newark Showground in Nottinghamshire. The rally once again took part on the Friday and Saturday, with im told Friday being the much busier day. I elected to go on Saturday, the flea market was once again rather small, maybe even smaller than 2015 with a selection of pre-owned equipment (junk) for your delight.


29929795422_679cc40e51_k29444838903_bd51df99ed_kHere you can see a selection of pictures taken in the flea market area. The inclusion of a white coat from one of the sellers adds an air of science.


Inside everything was in one main hall, this included your large equipment manufactures, Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu.

John G8DZH from LEFARS purchased one of the new Icom 7300 and on collecting his bonus external speaking Icom informed him he was the 50th purchased of the new radio that weekend !

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Mark M0DXR from Kenwood was on hand to offer advice and a friendly face on their stand.

Kenwood had their new handheld TH-D74E on show that does FM, DSTAR and APRS.

Walters and Stanton and Martin Lynch and Lamco made up the major retailers, all having a selection of new and used equipment for purchase.

I was really nice to catch up with the TX factor team, I spent sometime chatting to Mike G1IAR and I congratulated the team on producing some really high quality videos. Mike was telling me they had set the production and content values very high, meaning few but well made programs.

Here you can see Mike doing a bit to camera, with the assistance of Peter M0PSX from Essex Ham


The Camb- Hams team was in attendance with Flossy2, running a special call GB16NH  and Geoff G0DDX attended with his recently completed van.

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The RSGB had a number of stands, books, DF, Observation Service, Contesting, EMC and QSL service to name a few. A very enjoyable day out and a chance to catch up with people, some I had never met and only worked on the air. It also gave me a chance to wear the new LED matrix callsign badge, and this prompted a number of people to ask “Where did you get the badge from”  to which I would reply Friedrichshafen.

73 Dave M0TAZ






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