RSGB Top Band Club Calls Contest

12th November 2016.

Its not often you hear 1.8 MHz full of phone, but tonight was that night. The RSGB club calls contest is one of the most popular RSGB HF contest around, and at various times of the year covers both CW and SSB from 1.8 to 7 MHz. You can read more about this contest on the HF contest website.

The idea is for clubs to field as many stations as possible, and for the combined scores to contribute to the AFS clubs score. Exchange is a little unusual, the 4 letter club names can be found here.

Contest exchange.

Report, Serial Number, ‘Club HQ’, ‘Club Member’ or ‘No Club’, Club Name (a 4-letter club abbreviation)


Running as M1GEO and operating as members of the Camb-Hams provided a great volume of QSO over the 3 Hrs contes. The antenna was a top band dipole with the centre at 30m and Icom 7600 running 32w. Most signals received were very strong, although finding space on the band was sometimes difficult. The QSO total was 120, very respectable considering a break for some food at 21.00 Hrs.

Here you can see George M1GEO doing a spot of antenna maintenance before the contest.



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