PI4 next generation VHF/UHF beacons?

Beacons have like other digital modes moved with the times, making use of the latest digital modulation techniques to improve detectability far beyond the human ear and CW.

The name PI4- PharusIgnis4 comes from the ancient words for a beacon, lighthouse and fire and is a digital modulation that is compliant with the IARU Region 1 VHF Committee accepted 1 minute mixed mode beacon sequence.

The sequence of events is illustrated below, and always starts on a full 1-minute cycle.0 to 24 seconds PI callsign


25 sends CW ident callsign and locator


carrier until 59.5 seconds


To decode the PI4 beacons you can download software PI-RX by Poul-Erik OZ1CKG or MSHV by Christo LZ2HV, they both report being compatible with Linux and Windows.

OZ7IGY beacons date back to 1957, and they are now QRV from 28 MHz to 24 GHz. You can review the dial frequencies and check the operational status online.

Frequency [MHz] USB dial* ERP [W] ASL [m] 99% accuracy [mHz] Year QRV
28,271 28.270.200 10 95 1 2009
40,071 40.070.200 10 97 1 2007
50,471 50.470.200 25 98 1 1990
70,021 70.020.200 25 100 1 2003
144,471 144.470.200 50 102 3 1957
432,471 432.470.200 75 103 9 1958
1 296,930 1.296.929.200 90 95 26 1978
2 320,930 2.320.929.200 30 98 46 1985
3 400,930 3.400.929.200 50 96 68 2006
5 760,930 5.760.929.200 50 98 115 1992
10 368,930 10.368.929.200 80 97 237 1999
24 048,930 24.048.929.200 20 97 481 2012

To support the PI4 beacon project, or to see a technical description of the modulation technique read more on their website.

Other becons to look out for.

PI4 + CW + carrier/Next Generation Beacons platforms
4O0BCG in JP92PK – 70,048 MHz
DB0HRF in JO40FF – 144,475 MHz
DB0IH in JN39HJ – 432,447 MHz
DB0JG in JO31HS – 432,412 MHz
DB0LTG in JO31TB – 1296,7435 MHz
DB0MMO in JN49RV – 144,455 MHz and 432,425 MHz
EI0SIX in IO63VE – 50,005 MHz, SBP 5/0
GB3CFG in IO74CR – 70,027 MHz and 1296,905 MHz
GB3MCB in IO70OJ – 50,443 MHz and 50,005 MHz SBP 5/1 and 3
GB3MHZ in JO02PB – 10 368,830 MHz
GB3UHF in JO01EH – 432,430 MHz
IW9GDC/B in JM78SD – 50,006 MHz (Later SBP 6/4)
KG4BYN in EM75RV – 28,2368 MHz
ON0EME in JO21JG – 10 368,875 MHz and 24 048,875 MHz
ON0SNW in JO21BE – 10 368,965 MHz
OX4M and OX6M in HQ90AL – 70,047 MHz and 50,047 MHz
OZ4BHM in JO75KB – 50,005 MHz, SBP 5/4, later also 50,466 MHz
OZ7IGY in JO55WM – 28 MHz to 24 GHz
PA0AG in JO32GH – 70,095 MHz (personal beacon, 07-21 UTC)
SK4MPI in JP70NJ – 144,412 MHz
TF1VHF in HP94AC – 50,457 MHz
UA1ZFG/B in KP69AK – 144,425 MHz
VA2NQ in FN35NL – 50,295 MHz, 144,491 MHz, 222,295 MHz and 432,302 MHz


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  1. Since today our PI4 beacon is operating at 50.420MHz. Callsign is HB9F and QTH locator is JN37ra. The transmission power is 10W at a Big Wheel antenna.

    1. Thanks for the update Elmiger

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