50 MHz Trophy Cup and IMW

Team GB0SNB and LEFARS joined up at the Secret Nuclear Bunker for some radio fun. The RSGB 50 MHz Trophy cup promotes activity on what can be a busy SPe weekend for 6M.


The weekend is also combined with the International Museums Weekend, when stations activate from a museum site, allowing radio to promote other local interest sites. We opted to used 144, 70 and 7 MHz to provide both local and not so local contacts.

John G0VEH on 7 MHz

The 144 MHz antenna was the clubs white stick, located at 42m on the mast that provides coverage of around 200+ miles, netting contacts from Devon to Lincolnshire! HF provided some interG and also local EU stations, but we was using the 7 MHz vertical antenna, not well suited to local HF.

Selim M0XTA working 145 MHz

The radio event is set over two days, with some of us camping overnight. The weather was variable, but mostly dry, although we also operated inside a tent.

Fred G3SVK was our CW operator, pounding the key and pulling out the weak ones. Just before the contest started Fred was working USA, but as is typical of a contest they all disappeared as it started.

We used Chris G8OCV Icom 7610, one very nice radio, coupled to the Expert 1.3KA Linear amplifier and a 6e beam on 50 MHz. The antenna was mounted on a 12m SCAM mast.

Museums on the air was using GB0SNB and operating on 7 MHz from Dave M0MBD “Burger van”

Dave M0MBD

The 7 MHz aerial was mounted in the field, with elevated radials and the Icom 7300 running 100w. It was hard going at times, as the static from a local storm was S9+ at times. Despite the noise, the station made around 100 QSO.

7MHz and 50 MHz antenna view

Selim completed 75 QSO on VHF, and the 50MHz team completed 200Q in the contest. Altogether a fun-filled weekend.

QSL details for M0SNB and GB0SNB are located online.

The 50 MHz Trophy cup results can be viewed online.

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