EFHW out portable

I recently purchased some EFHW both 49:1 and 64:1 for some field-based testing. Working is ongoing, but the initial testing was good. I used 21m or wire, supported on a 12m spidebeam pole, with the other 9m sloping horizontal.

EFHW with 21m wire
Vehicle setup

Power was provided by V2L on the car

V2L to power portable station.

The purpose was to see how repeatable this setup would be, could you take out the pole and wire and construct a similar station with repeatable results? Using 30w on 21 MHz I was able to acheive worldwide coverage. PSK reporter confirmed the signal was propagating to all corners of the world, and the log established QSO with Japan (x14), Indonesia, USA and EU.

The setup was repeated the following day again, with repeatable results. The initial 21m wire was a little too long, and I need to trim this once I remain happy it requires this for multi-location use.

The 49:1 used in these tests

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