Oak Hills Research QRP RF Power Meter (WM-2 QRP)

The Oak Hills research produces a very nice QRP power meter kit, the RF power meter WM-2 QRP is produced with a high-quality case and silkscreened and masked PCB and a large moving coil meter.

Meter Highlights

Operates from 300 kHz to 54 MHz

Measured power range from 100 mW to 10W FSD with an accuracy of 5%

I built one a few years ago and found it very helpful when measuring QRP power from the FT817 and Ultimate 3 QRP kits.

The kit comes with everything you need, wm2 instructions are provided in the pack and takes a few hrs to build. The kits are available online and currently cost EU189.95 and can be provided with BNC or SO239 sockets.

You can calibrate the meter without the need for any special test equipment.

I’ve included some pictures of the completed meter, and think you will agree it looks very professional. Power is provided by a 9v battery or external supply 9 to 13v supply.

Download the wm2 manual to review the setup process.

Oakhills QRP meter

Oakhills QRP meter

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