Category: portable

Bank Holiday Radio Weekend

Like many, we have been locked down due to Covid, with few radio events. The August Bank Holiday was a chance to get out and play some radio. The event was organised with LEFARS as a joint weekend of radio fun. This gave us a great opportunity to try as many bands as possible, with […]

70 MHz Cumulative #1

This was our first opportunity to go portable VHF this year, making the most of a very warm February afternoon. The RSGB run a series of contests thought the year, and this was the ideal opportunity to put on the club call M0SNB. We operated from the Secret Nuclear Bunker near Kelvedon Hatch, using the […]

Suffolk Red Field Weekend

Suffolk Red hosted a field weekend from their field day site at the Suffolk Aviation Heritage site near Ipswich. The weather was set fine, with temperatures close to 30C and with the option to camp out for the weekend. George M1GEO, Chris G8OCV and I set up the operating tent and populated it with the following […]

70 MHz Cumulatives

Using the club call M0SNB June saw another chance to operate 70 MHz outdoors in the RSGB contest, with perfect weather at 24c. The contest site at the Secret Nuclear Bunker was used, at some 110m ASL it has good take off in most directions. Using the homebrew 6e 70 Mhz beam, and the solid-state […]