Once a year the LEFARS crew and SNBCG come together at the Secret Nuclear Bunker Kelvedon Hatch for a big radio weekend. It’s the last chance to play some radio over a bank holiday weekend in 2018 before winter arrives! On Saturday we had a BBQ for 25 people, giving everyone a chance to catch up […]
HF fun with the 18 MHz beam
The addition of a beam on HF never ceases to bring a smile to ones face, the addition of a linear amplifier is often enough to create a pile-up. If you look around at some of the amateur radio publications you will often see people complaining about the conditions or the lack of propagation. Undoubtedly […]
Mysterious HF Number Stations
Much has been written about number stations over the years, although little is known for fact. We do know they often broadcast on a schedule, so with a little planning, it is quite easy to receive them for yourself. Online SDR receivers take this to a new level, and now with TDoA, we are able […]
Using the KIWI for TDoA (Time Difference of Arrival)
Pirate radio stations around 6MHz have been using that part of the spectrum for many years. They often populate that part of the band, and in the main don’t seem to cause the primary users any issues. The primary users sometimes put a STANAG signal on top of the pirate music station, I doubt they […]
Suffolk Red Field Weekend
Suffolk Red hosted a field weekend from their field day site at the Suffolk Aviation Heritage site near Ipswich. The weather was set fine, with temperatures close to 30C and with the option to camp out for the weekend. George M1GEO, Chris G8OCV and I set up the operating tent and populated it with the following […]
Solar Powered WSPR Transmitter
A while ago I completed the QRP labs WSPR transmitter, you can read about that project in this article. I wondered how easy it would be to set this up in the garden, solar and battery powered. The QRP labs unit transmits around 200mW, and the idea was to have this running 24×7 transmitting around […]