472 kHz reception on WSPR

Having played around with the Wellbrook loop on 7 MHz the other evening I decided to try some 472 kHz reception on WSPR. I had never tried 472 kHz before, as the combination of local noise and poor antenna has always put me off. The Elad FDM-DUO seems quite sensitive down to 100 kHz (the […]

FSQ on 5 MHz

FSQ is a Fast Simple Qso chat mode, a bit like chatting by SMS or Skype but of course using RF. The FSQCALL protocol was developed by Murray ZL1BPU with significant input from Con ZL2AFP. Murray suggests all the hard work was done by Con 🙂 FSQ is intended for fixed frequency (channelized) operation, with […]

RSGB Christmas cumulative contest

Today I operated alfresco with George M1GEO from our contest site at Kelvedon Hatch SNB. Operating as M0TAZ/P from Kelvedon Hatch SNB in JO01 we managed to operate 3 bands, 144, 70 and 50 MHz. The contest was a RSGB Christmas Cumulative Contest and we entered as the Secret Nuclear Bunker contest group. Portable Equipment 144 […]

Working Santa Claus OF9X on RTTY

Interesting Santa had a moment from his warehouse in Finland to work a few on RTTY. I found OF9X calling CQ on 18 MHz. The only details given for the call read,  Santa Claus World, Article Circle Lapland, Finland. Merry Christmas Santa, I hope you had delivered from China all the hover boards required to […]