The first event of the year with LEFARS was Airfield on the Air (AOTA) and we activated Stapleford Airfield close to the M11 and M25 near London. The weather had been wet for some days before the activation, so we knew it was likely to be muddy. LEFARS have access to a radio caravan, purchased […]
Portable HF – Winter fun (maybe)
One of the joys of working portable is the ability to operate from a low-noise site. Antenna selection can also provide opportunities to try something different to your home setup. On a mild February afternoon, I ventured out to complete the first portable operating of 2023. The weather was mild 14C and the wind was […]
Portable antennas, EFHW
Portable HF has always been fun, recently I have joined the End Fed Half Wave club. I purchased a few EFHW 49:1 or 64:1 matching transformers and wanted to try these out at a recent LEFARS field weekend. Typically an EFHW will operate on multiple bands, so 20m of wire will provide a resonant antenna […]
EFHW out portable
I recently purchased some EFHW both 49:1 and 64:1 for some field-based testing. Working is ongoing, but the initial testing was good. I used 21m or wire, supported on a 12m spidebeam pole, with the other 9m sloping horizontal. Power was provided by V2L on the car The purpose was to see how repeatable this […]