One answer is to to learn a low powered digital mode, CW fits the bill but things have moved on in the last 100 years and computers have provided an even better, more robust form of digital communication. What am I talking about? No not the internet, but low power digital modes like JT65, JT9, […]
Holyhead Mountain SOTA – GW/NW-069
On this occasion we chose Holyhead Mountain, this is SOTA ref GW/NW-069 and at just 220 meters is a real little summit with an interesting walk. Its on the Isle of Anglesey, over looking the Irish sea with good view North into Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man and South into England. The antenna was a […]
Working some IOTA DX
As you would have noticed the IOTA contest was on over the last 24 Hrs. For the first time ever I decide to have a go away from home, and see what I could work in 12 Hrs. The setup was the Racal push up mast 12m, Icom 7000, Linear Amp UK 1200, Honda 2K […]
HF Portable On 20M With A Two Ele Quad
Having just returned from Scotland, I decided it was about time to dust off the 20m Quad antenna and do some QRO with John M0UKD. The antenna has undergone a few modifications since the #1 version last year. The mounting plates for the roach poles are now heavy duty aluminium. The plan last night was […]
MM0TAZ/P Portable HF with a view
Working portable from any location is always fun, but today I got the chance to work /p from the highlands of Scotland in the sun. The equipment was my basic portable setup, Icom 7000, 85 Ah battery, 12m roach pole and 24m (12m per leg) doublet. The operating location was Ullapool on the West coast […]
QRO Portable Operating
Last night decided to dip my toe into the world of QRO portable. With the assistance of John M0UKD. To qualify for QRO in the UK you need close on 400w, yes I know this is QRP in the USA ! ….or Italy… Equipment used: Icom 7000 Linear Amp Explorer 1200 12m roach pole Linear […]