I operate 2 multi-band receivers, both capable of receive from 0 to 30 MHz and I wanted to find a receive antenna that would perform well on HF and LF. Dipoles, long wires or EFHW are fine up to a point, but without some matching, they will not work over a wide frequency range. The […]
Listening to HF Air Traffic
The HF bands still provide some interesting listening, even with all the modern technology it still provides a low cost backup. Air traffic will of course use VHF within a couple of hundred miles of land, but that means on transatlantic flights the vast majority is outside of VHF coverage. HF is by no means […]
Icom 705 RF Power Review and initial thoughts.
RF Explorer 6G
The RF Explorer range of handheld spectrum analysers can provide you with the ideal companion for hunting down rough RF. This could be a source of interference or looking for a mystery frequency. The spectrum analyser comes in a number of different formats, the 6G combo gives you coverage up to 6.1 GHz. The unit […]