Backpackers #5 VHF contest

Sunday 6th Sep was the 5th backpacker VHF contest on a very sunny Sunday afternoon. The contest has two main categories, 3w backpackers or 10w Hill toppers. The rules are available online. We elected to do the 10w section, using a 9e Tonna antenna and a push up mast with the assistance of John M0UKD.


The weather couldn’t have been better, with little wind and unbroken sunshine. The event is quite busy as this contest also aligns with the VHF trophy cup and has a number of QRO VHF stations from all around Europe.


We managed to work 51 stations is England, Wales, Scotland, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands. Our best DX was DR4X at 648 KM. The QSO map is available below.


Once the VHF contest had finished John M0UKD completed some 70 MHz portable using 50w from an Anytone AT-588 and a slim jim antenna at 9m.

A short video of me working G4FKK Martin in Carshalton.

73 Dave M0TAZ

Updated: 13th September 2015 — 18:04

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