Interesting Condition on 28 MHz

Last night 5th June I noticed some interesting conditions on 28 Mhz. I could hear some relatively short sporadic E into Ireland and Scotland.

It’s not often you hear stations that close on that band, so it’s nice to say make the contact. The signal from Steve in Lanarkshire was 59+ at times.

Steve MM0VPY from Scotland

Peter MI5JYK from Northern Ireland

This type of propagation can be very dificult at times, with deep fades and often signals go from 59 to unreadable in seconds. Keeping the OSO short is therefore essential to maintain communication.

It’s unpredictable, you never quite know who will call next.

Lisa LA8FNA from Norway.

Just a small selection of the stations worked, others included Austria, Finland, Poland, Slovak, Estonia, Sweden, Russia, Latvia and Croatia.

28 MHz is great fun when it’s open, happy hunting.

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