SSB National Field Weekend with Camb-Hams

This year I joined the Camb-Hams for the SSB National Feild Weekend from their contest site in Worts’ Causeway, Cambridge. I arrived on Friday afternoon to assist with the setup, this included antenna for both 144 MHz and HF for the field day. The HF event runs in parallel with the VHF event over 24 hrs, so Flossie provided a comfortable and warm shack for the entire event.

The VHF event used 2 x 17 element beams at 12 meters, plus 1 further 17 elements on the top of Flossie at 20m. 400w was delivered from a Gavin M1BXF solid state amplifier.

HF used a 3 element tri-band antenna covering 10/15 and 20 meters. Dipoles were added for 40 and 80m from the SCAM mast. 400w* was provided by a solid state amplifier, and mains was provided by 3 x 2kW Honda generators.

The event was very well attended, with Dave GW4ZAR getting the award for furthest travelled, having driven down from North Wales. Others had travelled from Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Berkshire and Cambridgeshire. In a first for a field day, the Cambridge 105 tech crew did their waffle live on air from the field day tent. Thankfully the weather held fair, as the noise from the rain on the tent would have been interesting.

Martin M0YRM (Left) and George M1GEO

The contest started on Saturday afternoon and for the next 24 hrs, the radios were pressed into action, making contacts all over the world. I don’t recall any big DX, as it’s a region 1 field day the largest constituent in the HF log would be Germany.

I completed a couple of stints on HF, working mostly EU with the off USA on 20 meters.

Breakfast, Lunch and dinner were provided by the Camb-Hams facilities team, Rob M0VFC and Laurence M0LCM both preparing some great burgers, sausages and bacon when ever anyone looked hungry.

James 2E0JFM and Laurence M0LCM

Altogether a really enjoyable weekend, providing time for both the social side and some contest operating. Further pictures from the event are available here. Thanks to the team at Camb-Hams who made it happen.

*Due to a rule change the SSB FD now carries a maximum power of 100w. G3PYE will therefore only submit a check log for this contest.

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