Don’t get in the way of TX3X

Looking on 7 MHz RTTY today I noticed a cacophony of noise covering around 20 KHz of the band. I couldn’t hear the DX station but the DX cluster confirmed it was the DX station TX3X from Chesterfield Reef. The cluster suggested they were 7.045 and listening up, I could hear people calling from 7045 […]

RSGB 21/28 MHz contest

The RSGB contest provided an ideal opportunity to focus activity on the higher HF bands. Previous John M0UKD and I had built beams for  28 MHz 3e beam and  21 MHz 4e beam using the design on DK7ZB website.  28 MHz is a compact design using a 3m boom, and 21 MHz is somewhat bigger at […]

New antenna testing at GB0SNB

Exposed on the side of a 50 meter mast the antenna often requires maintenance. George M1GEO and Chris G8OCV have over the years perfected the best way to mount the antenna, and on this occasion is had lasted close on 2 years. Antenna maintenance in the afternoon sun is much preferable to winter rain, so […]

Practical Wireless 70 MHz contest

The popular shortwave and ham magazine Practical Wireless runs a 70 MHz contest once a year. The contest attracts a number of entries from all around the country, including one keen team who climb Helvelyn in the Lake District (M0BKQ/P). The entry from M0TAZ/P didn’t include a 900m accent to the top of a mountain, […]

National Hamfest 2015

Its been a while since I ventured out to an amateur radio rally, having been to a few at Pickets Lock Enfield and  Canvey over the years, today saw a trip to the National Hamfest at Newark Showground.  The highlight for me was the launch of Pinky, a high altitude balloon The SSDV payload callsign […]

Second 70 MHz contest

We had some great September weather today for the RSGB 2nd 70MHz contest. We setup a station at the Kelvedon Hatch ‘Secret Nuclear Bunker’ as seen above, using John M0UKD 70MHz amplifier and his 4 element DK7ZB 12.5Ω Yagi. The mast was my 12m Racal PU12 a push up 12m mast, and the location was […]