The good the bad and the ugly (Part 2)

If you arrived here without reading Part 1, it may be worth checking that out.

eBay is full of fake Diamond SRH805S antenna, so in this article, we take a closer look at 3 or these versions. Only one of these is real, as it will become obvious

Click on the images to enlarge.

eBay 99p version. A look outside and inside.

145 Mhz – 203 Ohms

433 Mhz – 57 Ohms

1.2Ghz – 4.6 Ohms

VNA plot credits @DTL


eBay £5 version.

145 MHz – 510 Ohms

433 Mhz – 36 Ohms

1.2Ghz – 62 Ohms

VNA plots credit @DTL


Genuine version £25

Picture and measurement credit to John M0UKD

The antenna provides a good match on 145, 433 and 1.2Ghz and unlike the fake versions, this would actually seem to work on the specified bands.








So how do you spot a fake SRH805S?

I guess you need to ask yourself 2 questions.

If you purchasing it from eBay then it’s most likely fake. The other clue is price, the genuine version would cost around £25.

If you would like to purchase the genuine article, then I would suggest you use a recognised ham radio outlet.

The fake and genuine antenna both look identical, but as you can see that’s the only thing they share.

You can continue reading Part 3


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