Category: Blog

Canvey Radio Rally 2017

The first rally of the year Canvey, organised by SEARS can sometimes be snowy, cold and wet being in February. This year it was quite mild, so no need for the snow boots thankfully. Transport was provided by Peter G0IAP, and we were joined by Dave G7UVW. We arrived in good time around 9.45 and noted […]

QRP labs Ultimate 3S Part 2

Welcome to Part 2, the project started in Part 1 and this covered the initial build and setup of the Ultimate 3S. Changes to the TXM are possible but require you to manually change the LPF and input a new frequency via the software. QRP labs have developed a relay switched LPF kit, and Part 2 covers the […]

GPS Track my Cat

Have you ever thought I would really like to know what the cat gets up to during the day? No, OK its just me then. Anyhow, I was surfing one of the many ChinaBay websites the other evening and spotted a rather cheap “Pet tracker”. Marked as D69 Pet Locator, the advert suggested it could […]