70 MHz Trophy Cup

The RSGB 70 MHz Trophy Cup ran from 11 till 5 on Sunday,  Team SNBCG assembled at the Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker. The contest promotes activity on 70 MHz, but it just one of many contests run by the RSGB to promote activity on the amateur bands. The beam was homemade, 6 elements on 70 […]

MFJ Versa Tuner III MFJ-962C review

The MFJ-962C is a high power 1.5kW manual ATU capable of matching balanced or unbalanced antennas typically from 1.8 to 30 MHz. It uses a T matching network, and the ARRL has provided an interesting article on “Getting the most out of your T match without snap crackle and pop”   The ATU has a rating […]

70 MHz Cumulative Contest #4

The RSGB CC run a series of cumulative contests through the year, you can partake in either a fixed station or out portable. I prefer to operate out portable, as this gives me a significant advantage to attempting this from home. Using our contest site at Kelvedon Hatch SNB and with the assistance of John […]

50 MHz Trophy Cup

I once again took part with the in the 50MHz trophy cup with the SNBCG, the contest runs for 24 Hrs from 3 PM on Saturday. This year the contest had been booked for one of the hottest days of the year, with temperatures reaching 30C (around 220F in old money) We set up Saturday morning, […]