NDB are low power beacons in the 250 to 550 KHz range. The beacons are usually situated at a landing strip/airfield / oil platform to aid navigation. They are non-directional so use a vertical omnidirectional antenna, and reasonably low power. The ERP is very low, as the physical size of the antenna restricts the efficiency […]
Interesting Signals on HF
Sony Pro80 Receiver I’ve always been interested in listening to the short wave bands, with my first receiver being the Sony Pro80 receiver. The Sony was a portable HF receiver that covered from 150 kHz to 223 MHz and was powered by 4x AA batteries. The receiver was excellent on the HF bands, and this […]
KiwiSDR 10 kHz to 30 MHz now online.
The SDR is online 24×7 for your enjoyment. If you find the SDR useful consider making a small donation to help with its upkeep. Listen to my SDR KiwiSDR User guide Access other SDRs from around the world. Buy one online. I have put the KiWi back online, but with limited capacity, as it is mostly […]
MX0SNB Operating CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest
This weekend was the CQ WW World Prefix Contest (WPX) and RTTY has never been so popular. The bands were once again packed with RTTY, with most of the big contest stations making their mark. I used the Secret Nuclear Bunkers club call MX0SNB, as its quite rare and was more popular than a standard […]
Canvey Radio Rally 2017
The first rally of the year Canvey, organised by SEARS can sometimes be snowy, cold and wet being in February. This year it was quite mild, so no need for the snow boots thankfully. Transport was provided by Peter G0IAP, and we were joined by Dave G7UVW. We arrived in good time around 9.45 and noted […]
5 MHz WSPR signal reports over 24 HRS
George M1GEO has recently been running a SDR decoding WSPR on several HF bands at the same time. Very much work in progress, I thought it would be good to try WSPR spots over a 24 Hr period and then graph the results. George is located on JO01OK and thats 119 KM away from my […]